Monday Motivation

The Holistic Journey | October, 23, 2023

Kinda ironic, seeing as how my last letter debunked the calendar huh?

Regardless, I know you need motivation this Monday.

We all do, even your idols don’t wake up every Monday morning excited to work and get after it.

Maybe it because they’re still hung up on what happened last week.

Well guess what? That was last week. None of that matters anymore.

You can’t change what happened last week. The past is the past.

The more time you spend hung up on what happened in the past, the less time you have to:

  • Improve yourself in the present
  • Find new opportunities for you to pursue
  • Gain mental clarity to plan for your future goals

Long story short, what happened in the past — you can’t change. You know this already, but have you embedded the message into your mind?

Have you really come to terms with what you have done in the past, or is it weighing on your like a dog on a leash?

The sooner you release the burden of the past’s events, the sooner you will find the motivation to improve yourself during the present, the sooner your future self will be grateful for the work you’ve done.

Let’s get after it my friends.

Let’s start this new week strong.

Remember why you started.

Until next time…

— Ethan

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