The Calendar Effect (DON'T LET THIS TRAP YOU)

The Calendar Is A Social Construct

The calendar effect keeps your poor. — Kris Sturmey (1stMan)

“Oh it’s Monday, I guess it’s time to go to school again.” — Said by every student ever.

Then the “weekend” rolls along, guess what they say?

“Lets f$cking go! Imma have so much fun these next 2 days man!”

Long story short… what you believe to be the start of the week and the end of the week is not a real thing.

The calendar — is not a real thing.

What Is The Calendar Effect?

The Calendar Effect is a social construct designed by the higher-ups in society to keep you stuck, to keep you lazy, and to keep you poor.

Get rid of this notion in your head that the weekdays and weekends are a real thing.

You think that the start of your “new week” is on a Monday…

It really started the day that you were born.

See… you need to understand that life is just one long line of days.

The Calendar Effect is best demonstrated during the time when we all want to reinvent ourselves…

January 1st.

New Year, New Me! 🤡

Let me just preface that if you’ve ever said the statement above unironically, you are a clown.

You are an absolute FOOL for believing that just because the year magically went up +1, you are going to dedicate yourself to completely changing as an individual.

That statistic should not be shocking to you.

In fact, I bet at some point in your life, you’ve been a part of that 92%.

Listen, I get it.

January 1st seems like the perfect day to reinvent yourself.

It’s a new year, ambitions are high, and you have the desire to make the new year the best year of your life.

But that’s simply not a reliable concept to base your self-improvement journey on.

First off, you’re mentally weak.

Second off, you don’t have the basic direction to make such a life-changing decision.

Luckily I’ve made my personal decision-making system 50% off, so if you’re interested in that at all, be my guest.

Now it’s just not the new year where the calendar effect is present, if you analyze your day-to-day life you’re going to see an abundance of circumstances where the calendar effect controls you.

Now the calendar effect doesn’t just dominate your life during the new year, no, no…

That’s silly!

The calendar effect dominates your life every day!

You live your life based on the calendar!

Think about how the calendar dictates your life when you’re procrastinating. You have a deadline due on a certain date, and until that date is close, you won’t do anything!

Or how about when you wake up on a Sunday morning?

Tell me, what’s the preconceived notion associated with Sundays?

Sundays as society views them are:

  • Days off
  • Days to sleep in
  • Days to not exercise
  • Days to eat junk food
  • Days to sit on the couch & binge tv

NO! That’s ridiculous!

I want you to go into the memory banks of your brain right now, find the file where it says “Sunday” and erase ALL of your previous thoughts, notions, and ideologies on what a typical “Sunday” should be composed of.

Sundays are just another day in the long line of life.

For too long my friend, you have been imprisoned by the shackles of the calendar effect.

It’s time to break free.

How To Escape

Before even thinking of escaping the calendar effect at all, you must ensure that you have developed a strong mind.

Get my free beginner’s guide to mental mastery here.

Step 1.) Understand The Calendar Effect

This step should be pretty easy for you.

If the calendar effect doesn’t make sense to you yet, reread the entire top half of this letter and come back here when your done.

Step 2.) Design Your Ideal Day In The Life

To break free from living your life based on the calendar, you must have clarity on how you would live your life if no calendar existed at all.

To do this, you have to go back to the basics.

ACTIONABLE STEP: Get out your journal, or any pen and paper, and design your ideal day in the life.


Here are some questions to guide your creation:

  • How would I like my morning routine to be?
  • How would I like my night routine to be?
  • What would be the highlight of my day?

If you need more journaling prompts, and want more insight to the process of journaling in general — click here for my free journaling guide.

Step 3.) Synthesize Your Normal D2D With Your Ideal Day

Now that you have your ideal day designed, compare it with your normal D2D life.

(Remember, weekends and weekdays aren’t a thing).

Synthesize your normal D2D with your ideal day as much as possible. This process allows you to do what you normally would do barring the calendar effect.

Once you synthesize the two, you’re going to realize that the only thing holding you back from actualizing your ideal day in the life was one thing : the calendar.

And yes, money, your status, looks, everything plays a major factor into this concept…

But it all goes away once you realize the calendar isn’t real.

Once you realize there is no difference between Monday and Saturday.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day.

The same 168 hours in a week.

8,760 hours in a year.

700,000 hours in a lifetime.

Use your time here wisely.

Don’t let the calendar affect control your life.

Remember why you started….

Until next time.

— Ethan

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