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Your Standards Are Sh*t (raise them today)

The Importance Of Standards The Holistic Journey | July 15, 2023 Read the full version & other letters here Throughout my life, I've always held myself to the highest standard. I've only been on this planet for 16 years, but for as long as I can remember - I always wanted to be the best. It did not matter where I was, I constantly strove for greatness. Whether it was in competition against others in my class, getting the best grades possible, and simply outperforming my peers in every facet...

black curtain

The Holistic Journey | October, 23, 2023 Kinda ironic, seeing as how my last letter debunked the calendar huh? Regardless, I know you need motivation this Monday. We all do, even your idols don’t wake up every Monday morning excited to work and get after it. Maybe it because they’re still hung up on what happened last week. Well guess what? That was last week. None of that matters anymore. You can’t change what happened last week. The past is the past. The more time you spend hung up on what...

The Calendar Is A Social Construct — The calendar effect keeps your poor. — Kris Sturmey (1stMan) “Oh it’s Monday, I guess it’s time to go to school again.” — Said by every student ever. Then the “weekend” rolls along, guess what they say? “Lets f$cking go! Imma have so much fun these next 2 days man!” Long story short… what you believe to be the start of the week and the end of the week is not a real thing. The calendar — is not a real thing. What Is The Calendar Effect? The Calendar Effect...

The Holistic Journey | September 14, 2023 Set your house in perfect order before your criticize the world. | Jordan B. Peterson Throughout my life, I notice that my emotions - my very thought process and identity vary vastly. There are phases in my life where I’m operating at 110%. Phases where I’m fully: Motivated Disciplined Consistent Yet there are the other phases in my life… Which are far more common than my phases of 110%. These are the phases where I’m operating at a standard that...

The Holistic Journey | September 3, 2023 (sorry for the delay, I've been pretty busy w/ school lately - enjoy) It was 4:00am on a Sunday night. I was sweaty, stressed, and dehydrated. In front of me were stacks of paper, packets upon packets of my homework. I was a mess. For the past 6 hours, I've been cramming knowledge in my brain for one sole purpose. To pass tomorrow's (well technically today's) test. It was at this point sometime around 4:30am that I had enough. I packed up all my...

The Holistic Journey | August 19, 2023 (Also make sure to stick of this long letter for a special deal) Sports & Perfectionism (my experience) For the past 2 years… I’ve been playing volleyball, and I’m honestly really good at it. (relatively speaking of course, I’m only in HS after all) I’m only 5’6, yet I’ve trained to the point where I can consistently compete with (and beat) teams with rosters of men over 6’ tall. I’ve had some of the best experiences in my life in that sport. Yet, this...

The Unknown Path The Holistic Journey | August 3, 2023 Welcome the feeling of being lost. Embrace the phase of being adrift, when your mind and body aren’t connected. It’s that state of walking an unknown path that foreshadows the largest developments. Before creation, there must come destruction. Before clarity must come confusion. Realize that there’s polarity in everything. The confused to the unconfused. The destruction to the creation. The masculine to the feminine. The yin to the yang....

brown and black fur on white ceramic plate

What's Been Going On Lately? The Holistic Journey | July 27, 2023 Disclaimer : This letter isn't going to be full of value-packed info like my letters usually are, but just going to be mainly around life updates, and things I'm planning for in the future. Life Updates & Lessons As many of you know, or don't know... This past week, I've been on vacation. Here's some pictures if you're interested. It's been really fun and all, but there's something tugging at me in the back of my mind. Ever...

The Holistic Journey - July 8, 2023 P.S.A. - If you got this email a few hours ago, I apologize. That was a rough draft and not fully finished. That's my mistake. This is the complete version of the email - Thanks! Ever since I started my self-improvement journey… I was always scared to put myself out there. I felt like I couldn’t contribute any value to the world at that point… That feeling of imposter syndrome hit me hard, especially when I heard about the business side of self-improvement....

The Holistic Journey - July 1, 2023 I've been on self-improvement for many years... But I really only started to take it seriously last year. For the past 2-3 years I've been going to the gym. Was I always consistent? Nope! Nonetheless, I was still exercising pretty much everyday. But I found a big problem... I had so much time left on my hands after the gym! At that point, all I did on my "self-improvement" journey was go to the gym. Sure - I was still getting good grades in school,...