Life Updates, Lessons & Future Vision

What's Been Going On Lately?

The Holistic Journey | July 27, 2023

Disclaimer : This letter isn't going to be full of value-packed info like my letters usually are, but just going to be mainly around life updates, and things I'm planning for in the future.

Life Updates & Lessons

As many of you know, or don't know...

This past week, I've been on vacation.

Here's some pictures if you're interested.

It's been really fun and all, but there's something tugging at me in the back of my mind.

Ever since I've been out, I really haven't been putting in that much work towards my business, which is as you know - the way that you found me here.

I've came to the realization that while yes - all this travel, seeing the sights, eating good (but unhealthy) food is good and all...

Although I'm still consistently exercising and getting 15k+ steps a day. I haven't been overcoming any struggle, I haven't been through much mental discomfort this past week.

Which is why I'm writing this letter to you.

It's hard.

it's stuff that I really don't feel like doing when I could be sleeping in right now.

But as I spoke about in my previous letter about the Importance Of Standards...

You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your [standards]. - Ethan

My standards of life - especially work, have been dropping lately.

We really are our standards huh?

Anyways, the big takeaway that you could get from this is that our quality of life is reflected through the amount of purposeful struggle that we put ourselves to.

See how I said purposeful?

Because every struggle that you put yourself through should in some way-shape-or-form be done with the end goal in mind.

This is vision-thinking.

Upcoming Projects & Future Of Holistic Improvements

So what's next?

Well... I recently just constructed a vision for my future using my Vision Tree Framework. (find it here)

And this is something that I haven't told much people about...

But I feel like I have to make it known so I can get some weight off my chest and have a soft deadline set upon me.

My goal for the next 1-year is to travel America with my close friends.


That's my goal, and I'm going to achieve it.

Hold me accountable to it will ya?

Now how about you?

What's your vision for the next year? 5 years? 10 years?

Is it something grand?

Something so unrealistic that you couldn't even fathom it becoming a reality?

Those are the goals you want to set.

You HAVE TO THINK BIG with your goals.

Let's set the stage here.

If you only set goals that you 100% knew that you could achieve like:

  • Lose 1% of body-fat in a year
  • Make $500 with my business in 2 years
  • Gain 5 pounds of muscle in 3 years

You're only setting yourself up to be bottlenecked.

Instead, set goals that you think are unbelievably unachievable.


  • Lose 5% body-fat in 6 months
  • Make $5000 with my business in 1 year
  • Gain 30 pounds of muscle in 2 years

Sure... These goals may seem far-fetched


You have to set goals for yourself that are borderline unrealistic to an extent where you could still maybe achieve them if you really tried your hardest.

Because there... That's where you truly find yourself.

Struggle does not make a man... Instead it shows the man who he really is. - James Allen

If you want to learn more about thinking big and setting huge goals for yourself, then consider checking out The Magic Of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz. (affiliate link)

Anyways, that's it.

I do apologize for this letter being so short, trust me the next one's going to be much more valuable.

Till next time.

— Ethan P.


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