You Need To Have A Vision (Create one here)

The Holistic Journey - June 24, 2023

Throughout life, I've always had fleeting goals.

"Start this business with your friends next month."

"Earn this amount of money by then."

"Get this physique by summer."

But as it lies in the wording, these were fleeting goals.

They appeared in my mind, gave me that dopamine surge - that initial feeling of motivation where you feel like nothing could stop you.

Then what happened?

I had no idea how to accomplish them.

I got stuck in tutorial hell, with no clear vision in my mind, I was stuck in the loop of mental masturbation.

You could probably relate right?

You had these goals, fleeting as they may be, you still had goals.

But you had no idea on how to accomplish them.

Your vision wasn't clear, and genuinely - you didn't know the next step to take in the path of goal achievement. Thankfully, you're not alone.

You, me, and so many others are stuck in this process where they have big goals - but just have no idea to execute them.

Luckily, I'll show you how to create a vision for your future.

So keep reading if you want to take initiative to change your life.

Why You Need A Vision

Before ever considering the path you need to walk to accomplish your vision...

You need to know the why.

The why may seem obvious to you - "Oh I just need to achieve 'x' because if I do, I'll have 'y,' right?"

You're getting there, but you're not seeing it from the full spectrum.

If you're reading this letter right now, I'm assuming that you don't want to live a mediocre life.

You don't want to live a boring and monotonous existence.

You don't want to work towards someone else's goals.

You don't want to be average.

That's why you need to have a clear-cut vision for the future.

"If you don't create a purpose, you will be assigned one. If you don't create a career, you will be assigned one." - Dan Koe

That thought should piss you off, the the point where it genuinely awakens some aggression within you.

If it doesn't, then stop reading here.

The thought of working day in and day out, just to achieve someone else's dreams?


That's just not for me, and I know it isn't for you either.

You want to live a life of freedom, of travel, of abundance, right?

You want to live out your wildest dreams, right?

Explore the world maybe?

Or maybe something as simple as waking up on your own time?

To do that, my friend...

You need to create a vision for your future.

You need a clear-cut process where you know what to do to achieve your goals.

Let's get to it.

Create Your Vision

To create your vision, you need goals.

To have goals, you need ambition.

To know your ambition, you need clarity.

To have clarity, you need to take the time to write.

Actionable Step - Get out a pen & paper

If you want to make the most out of this letter, grab a pen and paper. We're going to do something called "Clarity Journaling."

Clarity Journaling is a bit different from normal journaling.

It's when you sit down and take the time to write out:

  • The goals you want to actualize
  • Your purpose(s) in life
  • The actions you're going to take to get there

To do this, you're going to create a Vision Tree for yourself.

I'll show you how to do it.

First, write down your vision (ambition) for the future. Read my previous letter here if you haven't figured yours out yet.

Note that this doesn't have to stay constant. It can change from time to time, but write what you thinks yours is right now.

Next, break it down into the core three pillars.

  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Relationships

Just think about how your vision fits with these core pillars.

Next, write out the checkpoints - the big quest(s), if you will, of each pillar that are going to let you take massive leaps into achieving this vision.

After realizing those quests, proceed to break them down into daily habits and actions that you can do on a consistent basis.

These daily actions should take you step by step closer to achieving the big quests of each pillar.

After that, everything just falls into place...

The consistent daily actions let you finish the big quests, and accomplishing those big quests will lead you to achieving your vision.

It's really that simple.

Remember that achieving big results over time starts with small, consistent actions.

To help you understand, I’ve created an example below of what the “Vision Tree” looks like.

The example above is in the context of one trying to become a world-class athlete.

You can see how their big quests are in alignment with their vision of being a world-class athlete.

It's the same with their daily actions, you can make out and see how everything they're doing on a daily basis is with a purpose - to become a world-class athlete.

This is what your vision tree, should look like - give or take, depending on the vision you've set for yourself.

If you're overwhelmed by all this, I get it.

Taking the time to write out your future on pen and paper?

Yeah, that's going to take some time.

But just know that you're miles ahead of the competition already.

Who else is doing this?

No one.

They're all running a road that they can't see the end of.

Remember those fleeting goals we talked about in the beginning?

That's what your competition's running on.

On the other hand...

You (hopefully) have a clear-cut vision after creating your Vision Tree.

You know what to do.

You've outlined it all.

Now it's just time for you to take action.

That's it.

If you've made it this far, thanks you.

Check out my free products down below.

Journaling Guide - Mental Mastery Guide

As always, reach out to me on Instagram if you have any questions.

Have a great rest of your week.

Talk to you soon :)

Remember, you can't escape pain on the path to progress.

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